Succulent Care


We pour our heart and soul into every arrangement, ensuring that they are not only visually stunning but also healthy and thriving.

By following the care instructions below you’ll ensure they stay that way.


To thrive, succulents need bright indirect outdoor sunlight – shade in the afternoon ideally.

Too much sun and the leaves will develop dark spots and burn. Avoid giving them too much direct sunlight in Summer.

Too little sun and the plant will stretch towards the light source (etiolate) or markings and colours will fade.

Turn you arrangement 90 degrees each watering to ensure all sides get sunlight.

Succs defintely do better outside, however some can tollerate being in low light indoors, such as: Panda Plant (Kalanchoe Tomentosa), Snake Plant (Sansevieria), Zebra Plant (Haworthia Zebra), Golum Jade Plant (Crassula), Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) & Gasteria. Generally the darker green ones.


Succulents are susceptible to root rot if they sit in water and bacteria develop. They don’t like to sit in wet soil for more than 2-3 days.

To prevent this, they need to be in a pot with drainage (or pebbles in the bottom), outside with good air flow so that their soil dries out quickly and completely – within 1 week ideally.

If your pot is still moist after a week, you might need to move it (outside is best) or water it less.

If your pots still aren’t drying out fast enough, or it’s humid, you may want to give shallower waterings rather than letting the water run through the soil each time, but it is good to give the occasional deep watering to flush the soil and allow more oxygen to get down to the roots.


Succulents love water! Water deeply (until it runs out the drainage hole) but less frequently (about every 1 - 2 weeks).

It’s easy to overwater, so let them completely dry out between waterings. Use your finger, a stick or a moisture meter to see when the soil is completely dry.

Succs store water in their leaves and can tolerate drought – it’s better to under water than over water. Leaves will wrinkle and shrivel if they need water.

Only water the soil/moss - not the leaves - by using a precision watering bottle (available below). Don’t allow the water to pool on top.

Rain is great for succulents, but watch out for long periods of rain at night. The stomata (which absorb carbon dioxide) open up at night but will close if the leaves get wet. So it’s not a good idea to water them at night either.


Over time, the lower leaves of your succulents will dry up. Gently remove any dead leaves which should pull away easily with a pair of tweezers (available below).

Alternatively, bring your arrangement into Succ It & Sea and we’ll spruce it up for you and have it looking fresh and new again in no time.


This is meant as a general guide only, providing some basic tips and advice. However, it's important to remember that each succulent is unique and may have its own specific care requirements.

So, while this information can be helpful, it's always best to take the time to do your own research and gather more detailed information about the specific succulents you are caring for.

Dive headfirst into the wonderful world of succulents and most importantly – Have fun with it!




Watering Bottle
Quick View
Watering Bottle

Make watering your arrangements a breeze with this 500mL precision watering bottle.

Tweezers - Curved
Quick View
Tweezers - Curved

Easily tidy up your arrangement by picking off any dried up leaves with these tweezers.

Tweezers - Straight
Quick View
Tweezers - Straight

Easily tidy up your arrangement by picking off any dried up leaves with these tweezers.

We can fill just about anything with succulents!

In addition to our Itty-Bitty Worlds & Succulent Domes, we also offer Custom Orders. If you have a specific theme or design in mind, our team will be more than happy to bring your vision to life.

We love collaborating with our customers to create unique and personalized succulent arrangements that reflect their individual style and personality.

Supply your own vessel if you wish!

Calling all succulent enthusiasts!